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Unlocking the Power of Print: Why Advertising in Magazines Still Matters

Advertising in print publications such as North Dallas Parish Neighbors, goes beyond mere chance; it's a strategic maneuver that elevates a business's credibility, visibility, and engagement, setting it apart from internet ads. Print media presents advertisers with a distinct opportunity to cultivate heightened engagement. While online, individuals typically spend a fleeting 15 seconds skimming a webpage. In contrast, picking up a print magazine signifies an active choice to engage with its content and the advertisers featured within. (1)

Being featured in monthly publications allows businesses to reinforce their message through repetition. Targeted magazines are particularly advantageous as they cater to an audience genuinely interested in the subject matter. Jennifer Mellon of Trustify emphasizes that for local, service-oriented businesses, "traditional customers still rely on print advertising to fulfill their needs. (2)"

Print remains a go-to source for reliable information, making targeted print advertising a savvy allocation of promotional budgets. Rather than casting a wide net, leveraging targeted print publications ensures that your message resonates with potential customers. Our publications hold special significance; a 2011 Georgetown study revealed that 33% of Catholics who regularly attend Mass (3)

1: Jud, Brian. The Advantages of Advertising in Print,

2: Forbes Community Council. Does Print Still Have a Place in the Future of Advertising? 10 Experts Weigh In.

3: Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate Georgetown University. Catholic Media Use in the United States, 2011.


For over three decades, Diane has been a devoted member of the Dallas | Fort Worth Catholic community, actively participating at St. Monica Catholic Church where she and her husband Maurice married and their children received sacraments. Despite relocating in 2019, Diane ensured her youngest children completed their education at Mary Immaculate School. Catholic faith and education have profoundly influenced their family life, inspiring Diane to name her business "Aquinas Media," honoring St. Thomas Aquinas. Amidst the pandemic, Diane launched North Dallas Parish Neighbors, a Catholic magazine fostering hope and faith. She subsequently expanded her endeavors, launching two more magazines and serving as Division Advisor for Texas, guiding 20 new publishers. Grounded in prayer, Diane prioritizes her team, readers, and sponsors, expressing gratitude for the opportunity to bring souls closer to God. She finds joy in spending time with family, enjoying walks, reading, and savoring good food.

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